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Everything posted by Tony302600

  1. Aaron, Specifically that movie is the one where he is making the best point. Look how stupid we are for letting this happen. I can walk into any hospital and get anything i want done but for an inflated fee. I do think Micheal Moore stirs the truth but THIS MOVIE hit's it right on the money. EVERY system has it's problems, every system has it's strengths. Health care is a fundamental right. You don't choose to get cancer, or another disease. In the news was United Healthcare dropped a 4month baby from their parents insurance plan stating it was overweight and un-insurable. If you think that's right...then you need a reality check.
  2. look how much cheaper these trucks are. You think the EGR add-ons makes that much difference in price? How do these trucks deal with fuel quality? I'm sure high sulfur isn't good for the fuel system?
  3. ive done a few without pulling the heads, just put the studs in and never came back with any issues. These were decently modded trucks too. You will be ok. These customers didn't have problems though, they wanted it done to prevent problems.
  4. With respect to Keith and his site, I'm not talking about issue's like this. I'm going to say what I have to say and will welcome any constructive discussions through PM. I too think that he does show a very one sided view of things. This movie is the reason I have become so political and trying to figure out what I can do to make this country better for everyone, not just me. He is just showing how stupid our access to health care is. I have read MULTIPLE articles and seen interviews about how it is IMPOSSIBLE to run a FOR PROFIT health care providing company without finding loopholes into denying coverage to people that have paid their premiums. The old CEO of blue cross blue shield said that they have so little left over after paying the bills and their overhead they cant be a for-profit system. There have been multiple executives that left their jobs at health insurance companies because they couldn't handle the lives they ruined due to denying coverage when people thought they were covered in time of need. I think of US health insurance companies as cartels. Your SOLE PURPOSE is to take money from point A and give it to point B. How on earth do you make a profit? Skimming a little of the top...how do you make record profits? don't pay the bills. 60% of bankruptcies in the US are due to medical payments and 75% of those are people who have excellent insurance policies. When my sister gave birth to my nephew her bill was declined by United health care. She had a decent plan through work...then UH decided no to pay the bill. She was going to go into bankruptcy but the hospital found a charity that helped pay the bill. Aaron...would you give up your system to join ours? According to our media and republican congressman you guys have lines of sick people that are waiting to get looked at. Even though you guys' are rated top 10 in health/quality of living. We're rated 37th after estonia. Until it happens to you or someone you know, you probably wont care. That's how I was. Just wait, if it keeps going like this, it'll happen to someone you know.
  5. I didn't mean we "OWN" the FED, i meant a private entity control's the value of the dollar. If they were heavily regulated, why when Ron Paul asks the chairman what they're doing with the dollar, they have no idea or they don't want to tell him. That's why he passed the HR1207 to audit them. I can't wait to see what happens when they do that. Alan Greenspan and Ronald Reagan got us into this mess with the "trickle down" theory of economics...look what happened, the average CEO makes 431% of an average entry level employee at 29,000 a year. Government is not the problem, conservatives doing everything possible to make government look bad is what's leaving a sour taste in your guys' mouth. So now whoever is in office is bad regardless of the D or R behind his name. Josh, PM me if you want to have a argument about our government.
  6. I hope you guys know that the banks and investment companies that we bailed out, are using all that money and more to invest into chinese companies. They know that China is the new economic power house. So if you think we'll get any kind of trade policies that would put tarrif's on imports...than u think wrong. They will lobby the crap outta washington to ensure china get's what they want. Things affecting progress. Banks not lending to small business. Healthcare costing an arm and leg for small business. And banks lending at extremely high interest rates. If I want to borrow 50K for my business (went to chase and ask them) to have a security when times get hard...they have a 29% interest on that. They borrow it from the FED (OUR TAX MONEY) at 1/2% interest. Look at how much money they make. I was listening to Ed Shultz and a guy from ohio or indiana called to say he can put 200machinest to work right away as soon as he can get some capitol from the Department of Energy to make crucial gears for windmills. He cant get a loan from a bank, and has been waiting 3months from DOE to get an answer. Again, shit like this is happening all over america, people can't get access to capitol to start a business or keep theirs afloat. All the presidents are REactive to economic situations...not PROactive like other countries. That's why we're always last to do anything. I heard china's workers are looking to unionize to get fair wages and safer work areas....the companies like WALMART and other giants are looking to Africa for cheap labor. The wheel keeps on turning. Greed always wins in a unregulated free trade economy, the middle class loses.
  7. Ask Bruce, I think he loves aliant injectors over Ford remans.
  8. Do i want government to be in every aspect of life....no...do i want government to reign in corporations, banks, wall street and our trade policies....absolutely. Do i want government to supply universal healthcare...yes. You wont win with me on the healthcare debate...ive never ever lost a argument to anyone. If you can answer to me why every other industrial nation has universal healthcare except us...then i'll let you talk. If you can explain why our life expectancy is lower then mexico and cuba's at #37...then we can argue, if you can tell me why our infant mortality rate is among the highest...then we can argue. We have the best healthcare...it's the access to it that's fucked up. Yes sir..i want a FOR PROFIT company which basically only takes money from person A and give it to Doctor B and skim some off the top to make my health decisions. I want that FOR PROFIT company to tell my doctor what he can and can't do. We have the death panels now...it's a fuktard that sits at a desk for $20/hour with ABSOLUTELY NO MEDICAL EXPERIENCE to tell my doctor... I DON'T NEED THAT TEST they have shareholders that they need to please. Do i want government to control that YES. Ron Pauls idea is VERY VERY good and VERY VERY Liberal. Keep government small...but keep regulation VERY VERY TOUGH on corporations, wall street, banks, Insurance companies and our trade agreement. The only thing i don't agree with is that he doesn't support universal healthcare. ASK Dwayne, Aaron, and Jim if they would give up their Government run healthcare program for our system. I know what they'll say. Sarah Palin says their system is horeshit and they are sicker than us. DO i want SARAH RETARD PALIN to be the face of conservatism oh fuck yes....every time she speaks...us liberals smile. Because it shows how stupid their views are. Look what happens every time a conservative is in office...cut tax's, cut tax's cut tax's and let private corporations fill in where ever the cuts take place. You need tax's. Because of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts on the super rich and corporations he was sooo far upside down that he borrowed billions and billions of dollars from social security fund. How much money have we spent on this "war" Fuckloads of money is spent on mercenaries.... Instead of our troops guarding our bases we have government contracted mercenaries. They cost 100K a year per person. A US soldier cost's us 18K per person. It's simple, war makes the super rich...even richer. oh wait...who owns the biggest government contract from the US... dick "im satan" cheney. He owns Haliburton. Let's make him richer because he fucked us so badly. If any of you think "Dubya" ran this country for 8 years you are sadly mistaken....Dick Cheney and his friends ran this god damn country. Any way they could make government look bad to you and me...they did it. So now you guys are all mad because he left a bad taste in your mouth. We need a new FDR...i thought obama was gonna be it...but he sold us out. Again...we will NEVER EVER EVER EVER have anything Good done for "we the people" in this country until we get campaign finance reform. We have it..but it's so watered down it doesn't mean anything. Oh and...yea lets run this country like a for profit company...that will fix everything...you want a third world country you got it if you want that to happen. Let's make the gap between middle class and the super rich EVEN greater then it already is. How small do you want government to be? When you call 911 do you want a for profit company to decide when their going to come, do you want a for profit police department to decide if they are going to save you from the break in?, or due to recent budget cuts because the CEO needed a jet the fire station only has 1 fire truck and it's being used, sorry we cant fight the fire at your house, or you didn't pay your bill so we aren't coming to help you. Face the facts.... the countries that adapted our economic policies are doing horrible right now. The ones that decided to do something different are doing way better then us and their workers are much happier....because they know there jobs will never leave the country courtesy of the government for the people...by the people.
  9. With Wall Street and profit grubbing people in the mix, you will never be able to do whats right. You will have to do what's best for the business.
  10. Jayson...i disagree. I've tracked the policy of progressives...they are all about what is good for the people..whether it's liberals or progressives.
  11. Um who's a conservative in DC? Anyone who's fighting for corporations. The people fighting against you and me. The people bashing Universal healthcare or the tard public option. The ONLY persons i can think of off hand that ONLY care about their America is INDEPENDENT Bernie Sanders and Republican Ron Paul. Why has Liberal or Progressive turned into a curse word. Do you not understand that Republicans and Conservative Democrats are bought by Corporations. Why have we turned into a country of ME and not into a country of WE. Why have we turned into a country of "i busted my ass why cant you do what i did. It's simple, not EVERYONE has the access to success as you do." I absolutely respect ANY political party that is for the middle class. Seriously...and ive done sooooooooo much research into the differences of Europe and US. Europe and Japan cater to their Labor capitol. That's all we are. As a business owner i make my workers happy because i know a happy worker is a productive worker. If one guy wants something in his truck to make him productive...then he gets it. If another worker has different needs..then he gets it. Because ultimately...a corporation is as productive as it's workers. This isn't a simple solution. It's a much bigger part. You can't solve it overnight. This country is sooooo hard headed. A certain part of our taxes are set to help people that are less fortunate....do some people take advantage of it....of course....
  12. It be awesome to have all of us at a pub shootin the shit and just talking about everything.
  13. Well that's a shame. Micheal Savage, (real name is Micheal Weiner) is CONSTANTLY getting bashed for lying and bending the truth to prove his lie hes feeding. There is a reason that Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly get paid hundreds of millions of dollars. They need that money to spew out the bullshit they say. There are sites dedicated to showing how much those guys lie. Go to MEDIAMATTERS.COM a totally unbiased website dedicated to calling out the liars. It's all god damn CONServatives because they lie so much. Again, if you ever want to hear someone on the radio or TV that really cares about the AMERICAN WORKER and his country...listen to Ed Shultz and Thom Hartmann. Both Progressives who don't get paid to get their POV out on this country and how it should go. It's not even about Republicans vs Democrats anymore...it's about Corporations vs. the Middle Class. Looks how we've been screwed. Until we get Campaign Donation Reform, NOTHING will be done for the good of the people. It's a simple fact that Conservatives ONLY care about corporations, and progressives only care about the people.
  14. How are things up there Jim and Dwayne and all others up there. Jim don't you agree that employers should pay their employees fair wages so they can afford the product they are producing. That's what Henry Ford did. Side note. From what i hear...China is buying ALL the mines in the world. That's just great to hear...and they are securing exclusive manufacturing for windmills.
  15. I hear the recession is over...but then i hear it from someone that has never worked a day in their life. What do you guys think? I don't think we've hit the hardest part. My mom works at 5/3rd mortgage and tells me every month 1,000's of jobs go over to india. Until we get out of WTO, NAFTA we will never get out of a recession. Until we change our trade policies and tarrifs nothing is going to change here. The way it should be is like this. If something cost's $1 to make here...and a company ships that job overseas and it cost 10cents to make it in china...we should have a 90cent import tax on it to offset that lost job. That's what other countries do...why not us? That will make those corporations think before they ship a damn job overseas.
  16. Bruce, I've thought that this was true until i took some economics classes. The only thing this shows is that the shareholders/management/fat cats have won the war on profits vs. US labor. I found that companies constantly blame the unions and US workers for them not being able to make money...but then take home a $5,000,000/year salary. We examined plants in Spain vs US plants. In the spain, they have unions. When the bosses want to change something they ask all the workers if its the right way to go, as they have the discussion the manager takes notes until the WORKERS come up with a way they want to do it. The manager goes to the presidents and walla...they agree. They are ashamed that the CEO makes 10x the lowest paid worker...they said they like to keep it at around 6-8 but do to the economy it's turned into that. Their employee's have EVERYTHING they want, and the plant does excellent. Now the US plants...constantly has cut after cut after cut after cut to every part of the company except white collar pay including CEO's. CEO pay is 500times the lowest paying job. Workers are mad because they know theres a better way of doing something, but no one cares. I'm sorry Bruce but job's aren't leaving because labor is too expensive...jobs are leaving because companies that are on the stock market have to please shareholers and CEOS..and they dont give a FUCK about the middle class...so they blame the unions and labor. You want to know whats ruining our country...Fucking WALMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This christmas Me and my fiance are only buying made in american gifts. It has to be be made here and not just assembled here. A radio host inspired me by him saying hes doing it. (who's a liberal). We're having a tough time finding things to purchase.
  17. Are you serious...i feel bad for you guys...glad im out. LoL.
  18. Isnt there a sequence to put the front cover on that you have to do within 4 minutes or the silicon will dry?
  19. Isn't it crazy how much people found out in 18-19th century. Nice find Larry.
  20. Fredsvt, i knew we could come to some agreement. I listen to a lot of progressive radio like Ed Shultz, Thom Hartmann, Stefanie Miller, Ron Reagan Jr. because they have hard facts backing up their claims. They constantly bust the conservatives whether they're dems or repulicans and show how they manipulate the truth to support their CEO owners. My big thing is that we've had laws and amendments in place to prevent exactly whats happeneing. Sherman anti-trust act: means no monopolies like our banking, health insurance, and retail companies. We have amendments in the constitution preventing campaign contributions to elected leaders to encourage a vote. We need to get this country back and the only way we will do it is elect officials like Ron Paul, Mike Schummer, Bernie Sanders, Al Frankin...who don't have a disconnect with the country and also dont take campaign contributions from corporations. As im writing this on the news a 3 year old girl was denied healthcare coverage because she was too thin. Someone told me this and it does ring true..... "Domestic terrorism is in the form of HUGE multi-national corporations and banks. The banks said Give us money or we will explode. Capitalism is at it's cancerous state and is consuming everything in site." We need to get out of NAFTA and WTO and relook at our trade policies to save this country and bring the working class back. Eastendpowerstroke you forgot one. Liberals protest and find legislative ways to protect people and their beliefs, never use violence. Conservatives blow up federal buildings, kill abortion doctors, walk into the holocoust museum and kill a federal worker. Rant Over.
  21. What is with all this hitler, nazi, germany talk. I like how we get a "different" president in office, who is trying to do some good for once, but of course all the conservatives are in a outrage that things are changing....the country is evolving. Let's see what 20 years of ragean-omics conservativism has done....hmmm...state colleges aren't paid for by the gorvernment anymore, the middle class ( ME AND YOU ) has gotten rediculously small, Wall street does what they want, banks do what they want. We're privatizing everything that shouldn't be. You want a nazi-like take over...let the private sector take over every aspect of life without ANY government regulation....the banks have started to...healthcare has been doing it forever, the sherman anti-trust act means shit. So now we have companies that are "too big to fail" totally against what the founding fathers built this country on. You want nazi's waiting to flood the streets...look at the people that listen to glenn beck, hannity, limbaugh...those are the true terrorists against this country. Spewing racist comments and hateful views enraging unintelligent people into thinking government is the problem....no....the problem is places like Walmart who pay their workers low enough to were they have to go on subsidized public housing, medicade paid for by you and me. Walmart is the root of all evil and shows how horrible a unregulated free trade works. Let's look at when FDR went against his conservative views....that was the strongest our economy ever was thanks to the empowering of the middle class and putting the rich people in check, and re-regulating everything. Lets look at Dick (SATAN) Cheney's companies who suck the taxpayers dry through crazy government contracts. We have more mercinaries getting paid 100K a year supplied by his private corps then the soldiers getting paid 18k a year. His company makes woman sign a document stating they wont sue if they get paid. What kind of fucking world do we live in were to be employed you can't sue a company for being raped. Al Frankin passed a amendment against that and 30 conservative republicans voted against it....now thats bullshit. No one should be pissed at Obama, you should be pissed at corporations and lobbyists running this country...not us. I'm all for whats right...if that makes me liberal, independent, republican....who cares...when it comes to peoples well being you shouldn't side with a party. P.S. I hope you know when i mean private sector....the ones ruining this country, not small business.
  22. If you want Libetarian then count me out, they want to privatize everything and look how thats working. I don't want Glenn Beck/hannity/limbaugh style politicians running this country. Umm, enforcing something with hilter youth?
  23. Keith I already know where you stand from a comment i made a year ago....lol. I'm going to keep this civil. I have yet to lose a debate to a CONServative.
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