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A Little Humility

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Keith Browning

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I pulled this quote from another topic and started a new topic because I think it deserves discussing. I know there are opposing opinions and this is not necessarily limited to technicians and the Hot Line as it can also be applied to the general public and manufacturers in general. This is also not directed at any one person including the person I have quoted.


"Call back and let us know what the fix was"....Let me think about this for a second, why would I call him back with the answer? Would or would that not be his job to help me/us in the field?


Yes, it is his job to help you.

It is his job to provide assistance to you utilizing his own knowledge, experience and resources that he has available to him. Everyone has limitations based on variables beyond their own control. While the manufacturer has product knowledge and has gathered additional information based on their testing and research, new concerns develop as vehicles are operated in conditions beyond those represented in product testing. New concerns arise from product quality variances due to suppliers and product changes during production. Often the Hot-Line has no idea that a concern exists until it is reported and until it is, they can't address it or advise you. With that said, it is up to everyone involved to work through the issue and come up with a solution. After all, that is the goal - right?


DO call back or fill out the report survey and let them know what the fix was!

People are our greatest resource. If we communicate and share information and ideas there is no limit to what we can accomplish together. Reporting or confirming a fix for a concern will help those who encounter the same concern you did. You can be assured that help you have received is partially based on feedback and information provided by your peers. Many of us do because we realize our participation is a vital part of the process and not because we receive recognition or compensation. This applies to call backs, surveys and Global Concern Reporting through the Ford web site.


It is easy to point fingers.

It's funny how those who don't have the answers mock those we seek the answers from. All too often it is the caller who is not prepared. Do you know what you are working on? Have you recorded all of your test data? Have you consulted the service manual and performed the diagnostics carefully and in the proper order? Put yourself in their shoes - I don't blame a Hot-Line Engineer for rolling his eyes when he reviews the call screen before picking up the phone for a fix that is provided on OASIS. You have to run OASIS with applicable symptom codes before you can contact them but did you read the report? Did you check for Special Service messages and Technical Service Bulletins that apply to your concern?


A little humility goes a long way.

We all need to be reminded of this from time to time. It is natural to take great pride in ourselves, our accomplishments and our careers. We will never know all there is to know, experience all there is to do. There are times when we need to take a step back, regroup and simply try again. It is easy to treat others with humility if we can just get over ourselves.




P.S. - This is a lesson I have had to learn over and over again in my life so please do not take this post as having condescending or demeaning intent. I just thought I had something meaningful to say for once and offered my opinion about something we can all relate to in some way.

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I do my best to help others that help me. I usally get a hotline engineer that wants to help and usally has some good info. I am a very positive person though. I have noticed that when someone calls and acts like a jerk. Like the hotline engineer is the one that broke the car, they don't get as good help.

I usally email them, or sometimes call back to let them know what I found.

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