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a 09 flex 09 flex

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have 09 flex up here that has a stall while driving,no codes restarts after stalls,wiggle test harnesses,check pcm and battery junction box as well as sjb,all look ok,checked charcoal canister ok,active commanded vmv fuel trims went lean canister not full of raw fuel,do not have vdr,test drive for 80km could not verify,was in here 500km for same concern,hotline no faults,any other concerns out there of stalling?

thank you in advance

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So you have never verified this problem and there are no dtcs?

Here is a silly question to ask the customer...

"Do you have to re-start the vehicle when it stalls? "

It might sound crazy, but I have dealt with customers that claim the vehicle stalls and it actually has a miss or a trans problem.

Good luck with this one.

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