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Piggy back modules

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I've had a few 6.4's in that have had piggy back modules inline between the PCM and the engine... Usually installed on the air filter housing.


One was a small module with a few wires (<6) that tied into the right side UVC harness. Maybe there to fool the FRP sensor reading?


Another one caused a few problems... It was tied into the PCM harness and used many more wires - somewhere around 25. This truck was in for recalls and one 08B06. I got to the TCM reprogramming stage, and the IDS would not allow me to proceed. CCSD was reporting that the TCM was still powered up. I went through the suggested remedies, contacted the hotline and followed their additional procedures, and was then advised to replace the TCM with a preprogrammed unit.


Never once did the hotline engineer ask if there were any aftermarket modifications...


Unfortunately for the customer, when he installed his piggy back module, he allowed the PCM connector to drop down beside the motor. The heat was a bit too much for the connectors and welded them together... Too bad, because if I had been able to restore the wiring to stock, I'd bet I would have been able to program the TCM....

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