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Bruce 1, Gall Bladder 0

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Bruce Amacker

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I got out of the hospital yesterday after a 2 day stay having my gall bladder out. It was filled with stones (the surgeon said thousands!) which would occasionally block the bile duct causing considerable pain. The surgery went super smooth, laproscopic which means 4 small openings like bullet holes in my belly where they pulled the sucker out of. One minor complication was a stone lodged in the bile duct blocking it and requiring a separate procedure (tube down the throat) to dislodge it. Modern medicine is amazing- I have virtually no pain and feel damn near 100% right now as long as you don't press on my stomach. Years ago gall bladder surgery meant an incision 10 inches long and a week's stay in the hospital. Mine would have been outpatient if it weren't for the blocked duct. The worst part is I have to delay my travel to Florida a week or so.......


Happy New Year!

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Glad to hear it went smoothly. The wife went thru the same thing years ago. The doctors compared it to a bag of marbles that could not hold any more marbles. Seems to be more common after a hysterectomy. You didn't have uterus problems did you? Posted Image

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Glad to hear you are okay. Apparently there is a lot they do with laproscopic procedures now and like you mentioned it is less invasive with amazing recovery time and reduced discomfort. My manager would have had his appendix out that way if it hadn't burst. He has been out 3-1/2 months now. The bright side of his appendix bursting is that they HAD to open him which allowed them to discover the cancer that has been giving him stomach troubles... so I hear. He is waiting to have that taken care of now. I feel bad for him and I miss him.


Count your blessings Bruce!

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