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CNG Conversions

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My company has had the contract to supply New Jersey Natural Gas with vehicles for many years. Now, they want to switch from GMC to Ford for their CNG powered light duty trucks. So this week we had the fellas from Power Fuel CNG Systems http://www.powerfuelcng.com/ I was wondering if anyone here has had any experiences with this company.


We went through an installation on a 2016 F150 5.0L as a training exercise...

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I recently became the CNG guy in my shop,(after a service advisor got a fleet of them to start coming in), since back in the day when the alternative fuels certification was around and I got certified. I have looked around for some training on the systems, so far all I've found were a bunch of cummins based training videos. They are nice but haven't come across any Ford based ones and Ford doesn't offer the alternative fuel courses any more. If you across any helpful training please let me know, thanks.

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I was CNG certified through Ford back in the late 1990's... on Crown Vics with a factory system. Even got the tool kit and all. Our fleet department never got the contract they were bidding on so I never saw a single one.

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