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  1. I have a customer who works as a electrician and bought a new E350 in 06, comes in for all his service on schedule. Well, everything was fine until 80k miles and the trans goes out. Van gets towed in and I look at it and decide the trans is toast and give him a price to rebuild vs reman. He uses this truck for work and no truck means no pay so he decides to go with the reman so he can get it back quicker. So in goes a ford reman trans and it whines like a sob in 1st gear only. He needed the van so he took it while I check with ford about getting another trans. Well, they want that new reman trans tore down and a est worked up. When I try to explain that he ordered a reman so his truck would not be down, they didn't care. So now, I have a pissed off cust who payed for a ford trans who will be without his truck while I pull it, tear it down and rebuild a trans for ford. If he would have wanted to have his trans rebuilt, he would have picked that option. If I had the time to rebuild his trans, I would have pushed that option. So instead, I have to find the time to rebuild and fix fords f*$%ups!!! I will never try to sell a ford reman again! I'll either rebuild it or it's a jasper (better warr and if it's crap, 1 phone call and a new one is here in the morning!!!) This is getting so old, don't know how much more I can take.
  2. Hopefully they can find someone else to make the egr valves, up pipes and radiators...
  3. It's already done and back down the road, going back wasn't too bad. It does give you a good upper body workout torquing the body bolts. Ford better start rethinking the warr rates of some of the dsl if they want them fixed, yesterday I put a egr and oil cooler in a 6.0 and it's only showing 5.4 hrs or something like that. The guy next to me had cars on 2 racks doing brake jobs and misc flushes and a flat stall programming keys and check eng lights and turned about 14 hours in the same amount of time. The rate of 5.4 hrs is close to what it takes, but a guy can make alot more doing other stuff and your back won't hurt at the end of the day.
  4. Lifted my 1st 6.4 cab this week... Not as bad as I was expecting. Few things I noticed, 1. Quick connects are not quick disconnects and suck!!! The bottom one under the radiator is real bad and you get about a gallon of antifreeze right in the chest. It would be much better to just put a real clamp on them. (Kinda glad the oil change kid was helping me with that one!!! I found it alot more amusing than he did) 2. Quick connects on the trans lines suck too, much better to take off at cooler and push the lines down. 3. Why do they have you take off the fuel cooler lines and bracket?? it is no where close to being in the way of lifting the cab... (the online manual has you take off 4 or 5 things that don't need to be taken off, and forgot to mention 5 or 6 other things that do need to be removed.) 4. Ford could save some money by not using a FULL bottle of locktight on each of the cab bolts!!! 5. Who every designed the whole cage nut thing needs to get his &%# KICKED!!! As far as the repair, who every thought of using a 10mm head on the turbo up pipe bolts needs to get in line with the guy who designed the cage nuts and get his &%# KICKED!!! Other than that, it wasn't so bad.
  5. I got one in friday with the right side leaking, any tips would be appreciated. I have the half moon wrench kit ordered.
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