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Kyle E. Grathwol

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    Sophomore Member

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    Engines. Repairing PC's.
  1. Thanks for the link Jim but that isn't it. I agree that it is not rocket science but I don't want to re-invent the wheel when we could learn a lot from you guys who do it all the time. My guys work on heavy equipment mostly. I was hoping to get through the batch of 6.0's that we have without pulling any heads. But.... Thanks for your time and help everyone.
  2. Hmmmm. I could have sworn it came from here but I will take your word for it. Thanks Keith.
  3. Quite a while ago (maybe even 2 years) someone posted a detailed procedure complete with pictures on how to remove the cab on a Super Duty with a 6.0L. I searched the forum but haven't been able to find it. Can anyone point me to it? Thanks in advance for your help.
  4. Hi guys, I thought this article may interest you. Read this first http://www.dailytech.com/Research+Reveals+Internet+Black+Holes/article11431.htm and then go here http://hubble.cs.washington.edu/ The seond link link takes a while to load. The first website Daily Tech is an excellent website no matter what your interests. They have some good articles on automotive tech also.
  5. Quote: I apologize if you felt that my rant was directed at you. I was simply venting about how FoMoCo makes all of our lives more difficult sometimes than it needs to be. No need to apologize, I didn't feel that way at all but thanks any way. You may want to consider italics or underlining when making a point unless you are really pissed THEN USE ALL CAPS. When caps are used it is assumed that you are yelling. Just a suggestion. Quote: I hope we can stop our pissing match and go back to helping each other out again. Absolutely. I never was pissed Jeff so I'm sorry if it came across that way.
  6. Quote: Certainly we haven't crossed any "legal" boundaries, at least not yet The only boundaries I was concerned with were the boundaries of this forum. Quote: We're THINKING about ways to regain something we've already had for the past several years. It used to be legal to smoke weed (so I am told). What concerned me the most with your post is your ability to rationalize what you are doing. Quote: That would require there actually being a LAW against THINKING, which is all were doing. We're THINKING about ways to regain something we've already had for the past several years. Were not talking about modifying or hacking software, just to understand how it generates a code we need to do our jobs. You gotta be kidding me. This is all for the poor customer who drove 60 miles on a holiday and you could not get a code? You only want to know how to do it? Don't get me wrong Jeff, I could care less if you crack every code Ford has, more power to you if you can but some forums really frown on this sort of thing. Again, your post is all about rationalizing what you are doing. Maybe it is an age difference thing but I have a hard time with what you are saying. My apologies to you Aaron. I didn't mean to turn your thread into a pissing match.
  7. Quote: I see that you are from Ohio, where are you at? Sandusky. It's between Cleveland and Toledo. I see you are from Michigan...and that's too bad. Just kidding Larry. I couldn't let that one slide.
  8. Quote: Kyle be careful, I'm 40+ and not a spring chicken anymore I'll be 46 next month. Geez that sounds old.
  9. Quote: Here we can discuss all kinds of things without "promoting" them (unlike fmcdealer). This is after all a PRIVATE forum. I would like Keith's opinion on this sort of thing. If he jumps into this thread and gives his blessing to discuss things of this nature then so be it. To me it's like discussing how to break into someone's house or hack a home wireless network. You can say that it is just conversation but..... Some time ago there was a post on how to get some particular Ford software to run on XP home (if I remember correctly). That would be a noble undertaking. You would not be cracking any passwords or breaking an EULA you would just be modifying your own OS (which you paid for) to run the Ford software. Don't interpret this post as me being preachy. I am a guest in this forum. I worked for a Ford heavy truck dealer years ago but Keith let me in as a fleet mechanic. I don't want to disrespect him or his forum by talking about things that are flat out illegal. It could be that I blew this code of the day thing way out of proportion but usually when you see the words figure out and password in the same sentence it only means one thing.
  10. It very well could be a simple formula...if you know the formula or algorithm. It could be amazingly simple or it may take a stadium full of Opterons running 24/7 to crack it. I started to elaborate on some things but deleted it because this sort of thing is illegal and we would not want to promote illegal activities on this forum now would we?
  11. Quote: Kyle are you really the GEEKY type or just really friggin smart? Well I dropped out of college for computer science in 1981 and went to diesel school because I loved engines. Based on that decision I made..how smart could I possibly be? (I kick myself once a week for that decision). As far as being smart goes, you younger guys don't know what you have with today's resources. If you have an internet connection then you can be as smart as you want to be. This subject could be it's own thread.
  12. Quote: What most people don't realize is that you are not connected directly to the Internet but rather a network contained and controlled by your ISP. This is how your speeds can change and vary. For instance, Christmas Eve and Day the Internet from my home was painfully slow because every Yahoo and kid was logged on using email, downloading music for their new iPods and playing their friends across town with their new X-Box. Something else that comes into play is the load on the server you are connecting to for the test. The first time I did the Speedtest.net I used the server they suggested in Chicago because that was the closest to me. I then connected to a server in Missouri and my speed improved by 2000Kbps. I typically use this site http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest?flash=1 simply because it shows the load on the test servers. You can actually use ping to test your connection to yahoo for example. You can get a feel for the speed in milliseconds and see how many packets are dropped. I use this often to troubleshoot intermittent internet connection problems because while it is running you can actually watch the connection degrade and drop packets. The statistics at the end of the ping are valuable for troubleshooting. Go to a command prompt and type ping www[.]yahoo.com -t the -t switch is what makes the ping run for ever. To end the test hit Ctrl C. See attached file. Now if you really want to get geeky type tracert www[.]yahoo.com and you can see all the hops skips and jumps your packets make to get to their destination. THE BRACKETS AFTER THE WWW WERE ADDED TO STOP THE URL FROM APPEARING AS A LINK. Do not type the brackets at your command prompt.
  13. I finally got around to tearing it apart. The idler towards the front of the vehicle was significantly smaller than the other and showed concave wear. The idlers the dealer sent me look almost identical. The part numbers are almost identical except one was suffix A the other B. Since I have no access to parts info (especially at 7:00PM) I decided not to put it together until I was sure that I had the correct parts. My questions are...on a 96 2.0 Zetec are the timing belt idlers almost identical? What are the correct positions for the A and B idlers?
  14. I assume VCT means variable cam timing. Remember, I am 99.9% Diesel Mechanic and mostly heavy duty engines. Will it be obvious if it is a VCT engine?
  15. Thanks for your input guys. I do appreciate it. Any tips on the actual job such as shortcuts, special tools that I may need?
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