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Can any of you guys remember the first dealer based (that I know of) training system that Ford introduced. I believe it was called the IVLS which stood for the Intelligent Video Learning System. If I remember it used a clunky PC, a video disk player and a touch screen/touch pen and it actually worked pretty much like the recent PC based FMT courses on CD-Rom. As I think I just read on FMC Dealer, those courses have been or will be migrating to the web based training on-line. I think thats actually a good idea. I think that the web based training has become some of the best training media thus far.


Anyway, I just thought that I would rattle your grey matter a little!

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I remember the FIRST factory training Ford offered us. I was at a L/M dealership and we were still selling Mercury pickup trucks.


TSBs would come once a month in a booklet (blue paper, as I recall) and on the back of each booklet, was a multiple guess test. We were prohibited from filling out our own tests and the job fell to the tower operator. If it was your turn to fail, it was your turn to fail and there's nothing you could do about it.


If you had a troublesome concern (and with that forest of vacuum hoses, when didn't you?) and couldn't remember seeing a TSB, there was no computer and no symptom codes....


Anybody remember back when a tune up involved feeler blades and a dwell gauge?


Suddenly, I feel....






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Yeah, IVLS is the first one I remember from the 80's. The CTP booklets were also used back then, but that just let you win stuff by sending in the quizzes. We just donated our old machine to a high school a few years back. I'm gonna' ask one of the instructors who's been with Ford for 30 years, he might remember something else.

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The STST technician tests that were in a booklet were interesting. I would hardly call them training but since you were allowed to use the manuals they forced you to become familiar with the manuals and quickly I might add. I don't remember if there were any incentives or prizes. Heck, I don't even get paid to do the web based training anymore. Does anyone get paid for their training time other than going to the Ford training centers?

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Our shop pays, only I haven't figured out where the times come from as they do not pay based on the length of time the course says it should be completed in.

I believe the shop should pay your time, as it is usually what keeps them able to perform work[shop competency and all that].

I also believe that that it is up to the individual to decide whether they want to achieve a Specialty, a Masters, or be a PDI&lube tech all their lives.

You can lead the horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

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We get two hous for a web based course or FMT.. Gaining specialties is a bonus.... 50 cent raise per specialty and if the boss had his way, everyone in the shop would be a Master.


Oue shop is small and he has found if he has only one highly trained person in the hsop, the tail tries to wag the dog, if you get my meaning.

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