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Regarding the thread "F-450 from hell" there was an issue with testing fuel pressure while mobile.

Everything you need is available from the Home Depot, or other home improvement/hardware stores.

1/4" polyethelyne tube,compression fittings,and adapters for the fuel pressure test port and your mechanical gauge are all available in the plumbing dept.

If I remember correctly the tube is in 25'lengths,

so you can make it as long as you want.

This was showed to me by a Navistar engineer, is so simple it's stupid, and cost a total of around 5 bucks!

I use this all the time , and it is easy to switch from a diesel to a gasser.

Screw everything else, this works!

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I used a "retired" fuel pressure gauge I had in my box that has a 4-5' hose and just stuck the guage under the wiper arm. Just had to buy one fitting to adapt the air test fitting, a 1/8" pipe to 1/4", to one of the other unused fittings in my kit to make it a quick-disconnect set-up.


If I were doing it over I would try to come-up with a 45 degree fitting so you can get it past the top rad hose easier.


I actually got the WDS to work briefly......suspect operator error kicked-in......

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