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Internet Insanity

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I dont know about the rest of you but I am sure that you use one or more forum or message board I do recognize some of the names here. Doc you seem to be everywhre! Anyway I cant beleive the amount of garbage posts that are trashing the internet lately. The negativity, bashing and the "my mods are better than yours" gangs and the same stupid questions being posted over and over and over and over and over! On the flip side its been real quiet around here. Did everyone lose their minds or is December just a really freaky time of year for the internet? Killing time just isnt as much fun or interesting as it used to be. Maybe it's time for a new hobby...


like co-ed naked drinking!


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I haven't bothered going on any of the other sites, because I have a tendency to speak my mind, and most people can't deal with it.

I mean, what the hell do I know about Ford diesels! I have only been doing this since the 6.9L

I have been spending free time lately ridin' and moddin' my '02 Indian Chief,and spending time on the Indian motorcycle comm. forums,and believe me, it is a crew that knows how to laugh,even when we rank on each other.

Happy New Year!

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I do go to other forums even though I speak my mind..... Y'know... it sure don't take much to get some of them guys going.... you can boink their wives, you can kick their dogs but don't diss their rides....


Speaking of rides.... nice scooter, SNW.... kinda makes my Sporty look like just another Sporty...

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Starting the New Years celebration a little early Ed? Posted Image


But seriously, Yes I have noticed that just about every forum you go to is pretty much the same and most seem to be turning into mod central lately. Some are down right funny with the stupidity and they bash us? Posted Image Flat Rate Tech seems to be the most serious but even a straggler or two drift in there too. Jim Warman seems to do a decent job at keeping the riff raff in place Posted Image

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