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You know what really grinds my gears?

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So we're sittin here watchin the TV.


Michael (JACK-FUCKING-ASS) Moore movie Sicko is on.



They FILM a woman committing HEALTH FRAUD applying for an Ontario Health Insurance Plan card, in Windsor, when she is a Michigan resident, and has NO ties to Canada, aside from the dude she knows that lives in Windsor, that she LIED and said she was the common law spouse of.


Really? You do something like that, and film it? Good idea.


So if I roll over to Michigan, and say my buddy's sister is my common law wife (with NO proof, aside from me telling someone), should I be eligible to apply for a driver's license or any other state provided services?


How about welfare? Should I be able to get that?


I understand she was sick and unable to afford medical care, but come the fuck on. If you're going to commit FRAUD to get medical attention, don't let some JACKASS like Moore film you doing it, so he can slant the fucking thing any way he likes and make you look either like a hero or a zero, depending on what kinda mood he's in.


Sorry for the rant, it just pissed me off. I understand your (US) healthcare isn't free, and can be quite pricey, and I respect that.


I can't STAND that guy.


Sorry that he's Canadian.

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With respect to Keith and his site, I'm not talking about issue's like this. I'm going to say what I have to say and will welcome any constructive discussions through PM.


I too think that he does show a very one sided view of things. This movie is the reason I have become so political and trying to figure out what I can do to make this country better for everyone, not just me. He is just showing how stupid our access to health care is. I have read MULTIPLE articles and seen interviews about how it is IMPOSSIBLE to run a FOR PROFIT health care providing company without finding loopholes into denying coverage to people that have paid their premiums. The old CEO of blue cross blue shield said that they have so little left over after paying the bills and their overhead they cant be a for-profit system.

There have been multiple executives that left their jobs at health insurance companies because they couldn't handle the lives they ruined due to denying coverage when people thought they were covered in time of need. I think of US health insurance companies as cartels. Your SOLE PURPOSE is to take money from point A and give it to point B. How on earth do you make a profit? Skimming a little of the top...how do you make record profits? don't pay the bills. 60% of bankruptcies in the US are due to medical payments and 75% of those are people who have excellent insurance policies.

When my sister gave birth to my nephew her bill was declined by United health care. She had a decent plan through work...then UH decided no to pay the bill. She was going to go into bankruptcy but the hospital found a charity that helped pay the bill.


Aaron...would you give up your system to join ours? According to our media and republican congressman you guys have lines of sick people that are waiting to get looked at. Even though you guys' are rated top 10 in health/quality of living. We're rated 37th after estonia.


Until it happens to you or someone you know, you probably wont care. That's how I was. Just wait, if it keeps going like this, it'll happen to someone you know.

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Aaron... it's just a fucking movie. Maybe it doesn't have glitzy special effects like Star Trek... but it is still only a fucking movie...


And it is doing what Moore does best... stirring controversy - and not in some gentile, politically correct way... When Moore serves up controversy, it is like a good swift kick to the 'nads. "Wake up and smell the coffee..." appears to be his mantra.


Instead of directing our anger at Moore... we might be better served directing our anger at a flawed social system. As for committing fraud for medical attention? Well.... if it was a splinter or a hangnail or a wart... Probably not.


But my wife has had Crohns disease for over 36 years... it hasn't been a pretty affliction and major surgery isn't an "if"... it is a "when" and it has a "how often?" qualifier. Without universal health care, I would be both bankrupt AND in prison for robbing banks. Commit fraud for health care? You fucking bet I would.


Tony, most of Canada has been in a "doctor crunch" or many years.. There isn't a doctor I know that isn't performing triage every single day (this is assigning aid based on need). The system has very nearly let us down a few times... but has always managed to gather itself back up and help us out.


Health care (and I mean universal type health care) is like education. These two considerations are vital to our countries success and profitability. Without a healthy, well educated population, we are going nowhere. My son has been out of school for several years - yet I still pay school tax - and so I should. Well educated youth are far less likely to become a social problem in any manner than those that have little or no education - skills - or talents for anything other than breaking the law or being a burden on our other social programs.


Universal health care is expensive... somebody has to pay the bill. We can design a system that works - or we can keep a system that allows the wrong people to reap profits.


Something that many here should be able to identify with. Health care (as health plans are concerned and as Canadians are concerned) is paid flat rate. A check up is worth this much, that procedure is worth that much. In a freemarket system, good doctors would be allowed to set their own rates.... Instead, good doctors are like the automotive techs of the world... the good ones are inundated with the hard to cure cases while the lousy ones have to settle for the money makers (the no-brainer shit, if you will).


Fact!! - Fifty percent of all doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class... which 50% do you want working on you?

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And it is doing what Moore does best... stirring controversy

That's the main gripe I have with that clown. He skews the entire portrayal of the situation he's addressing to the direction he wants everyone to follow along with. Anyone ever seen Bowling for Columbine? He walks into a bank that says if you open a checking account, they will give you a free gun. He walks into the bank, signs up for his account, and walks out with his gun. I've seen it brought up that he actually called the bank and made special arrangements to get his gun on site, since they typically give you a VOUCHER for a gun, not an actual gun in person at the bank.


I watched that whole movie, and he didn't even come anywhere close to making some kind of point.


And yes, I would consider paying for healthcare -- I waited almost three months for an MRI, and the last time I was over in Michigan, there's a place just off of Dearborn ave, almost like a walk in clinic, that does MRI's the same day.


I still haven't got a call back about repairing my back yet.


Sorry if I pissed anyone off, but I think if you're going to show a story....show both sides!

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Aaron, Specifically that movie is the one where he is making the best point. Look how stupid we are for letting this happen. I can walk into any hospital and get anything i want done but for an inflated fee. I do think Micheal Moore stirs the truth but THIS MOVIE hit's it right on the money.


EVERY system has it's problems, every system has it's strengths. Health care is a fundamental right. You don't choose to get cancer, or another disease. In the news was United Healthcare dropped a 4month baby from their parents insurance plan stating it was overweight and un-insurable. If you think that's right...then you need a reality check.

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Never said it was right.


Both systems have their high points and both have their flaws.


How long do you need to wait for a doctor's appointment?


I'm typically a month wait to get a doctor's appointment. Any specialized treatments are 3 months or more.

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There will never be a "perfect" system... ain't gonna happen...


For Michael Moore... Aaron has his point of view... the old guy has his point of view and Tony has his point of view... Now - I am going to tell you MY point of view from MY point of view. Why would I tell it any different? Hey guys... this is waht I think but I must be full of shit because people disagree with me???? Don't you tell us things from your slant and doesn't Tony talk from his slant? This guy is going to spend his money to make a movie he doesn't believe in?


Disclaimer... I am not agreeing with his views... but he certainly knows how to get your attention.


How long we wait for a doctors appointment has everything to do with what we need done... I can walk into the local clinic or hospital at lunch time and have my blood pressure tested quickly.


An MRI or any other specialized procedure is going to take a while longer.. and this depends on the availability of trained people and the availability of necessary equipment.


We can fix this problem - all we have to do is throw cubic money at it... Who will step up and sign the cheque?

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If this woman who was this movie, has truly no money, all she has to do is go to the ER, anywhere. She'll get treated.


It's called charity care. The people who live next door to me do it all the time. Illegal aliens know how to use the system too.


My neigbors...neither have verifiable income, so she has gotten more than 800k of charity care. He works under the table shoeing horses at $800 per day.


They don't pay income tax, have no mortgage as the house was given to them. They pay very little in property taxes, as the house is grandfathered as a "farm".


They make sure to tell everyone they have no money. BUT, he's got a 2008 $50k Chevy 2500HD 4x4 with a new plow. Paid cash. The yard has probably $500k worth of landscaping...


Sometimes I wonder.... who's stupid, them or me? I work, pay my taxes, pay my ever increasing health care premiums, etc, etc....



Cubic money, just ask our gov't, I'm sure they'll be glad to give you a whole bunch, just don't expect it to be worth much in the future.....


I'll bet your doctor and medical people will suddenly start coming home with what's going to happen here... your wait times will probably disappear.

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Yep, the going rate to shoe 4 horses a day. I guess the only disadvantage to it, is when the horse kicks you in the head. He's gotten that twice, that I know of.


He goes around to all the huge very rich horse farms all over the state.

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