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I am currently at OHSA training, and they're talking about stress.


There's a chart they have you fill out, with scores for "life events" that have recently occurred in your life.


0-149 is light/low stress.

149-299 is mild/moderate stress

300+ is high stress and your likelihood of developing a stress related illness is very high.


My score was 478.


Without sitting down and thinking about it, I'd say I haven't had a good night's sleep in MONTHS, lay awake and stare at the ceiling, worry about shit I can't change, or things that will not change. Working an off-shift and living with someone who works steady days doesn't help any either... It's really beginning to drain on me.


I recently moved to the city, never really lived "in the city" before, and it's so fucking bright even with the blinds closed you can almost read in my room at night.


As some of you may be able to tell by the timestamp, I can't sleep.


Any suggestions?

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Sometimes even Captain Obvious can't see the obvious. I would say that relieving your stress at the level it is at is going to be an exercise in futility. Eliminating the sources of your stress is probably going to be more effective. I know what I am saying and it is probably not going to be easy to decide what choices to make and then seeing them to fruition.


I am sorry to hear that you are in this situation. I myself have been going through a few very stressful years. When you have a family to consider and a home that ties you down making decisions becomes even more difficult and stressful. If I was single and had no anchors there would be nothing to stop me from picking up and going off to a different part of the country and try living in different surroundings and where life moves at a different pace.


I am surprised to hear that the Big Angry Hillbilly is living in the big city. What if you move out of city limits?


I wish you luck. Posted Image

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A lot of it is coming from shift work and erratic shifts.


I have just accepted a position at Sean Hyland Motorsports, Canada's only authorized Shelby modification/repair centre, (building, testing and repairing THIS sort of thing, as well as GT500 Super Snakes etc.) and it is a straight 8-5 Monday to Friday gig, with approximately a 25% pay increase over what I'm making now, with less expenses and deductions than I have now.


This will alleviate a great deal the money stress, as well as the shift issue, which I think subconsciously are my two biggest issues.


This brings us to the "city" thing.


Recently when my previous common-law relationship went in the shitter, along with it went my personal credit, so purchasing a house is out of the question. My current situation is convenient from a money standpoint, whereas I know exactly what my living costs are from month to month, as my apartment is all-inclusive, so I know EXACTLY what my rent is going to be, with no surprises from hydro, water, gas, etc. which is difficult to find NOT in a city area.


I have been coping so far so good - no alcohol, medication or anything required as of yet, aside from the occasional bender for 'fun' LOL.

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haha I know. I thought it would stop people from arguing with me but that didn't work so I pick my battles wisely. I stay out of the oil cooler and headgasket threads.


There is some interesting things that go on, though. There was a guy that stripped out the oil pressure sending unit in the oil cooler cover and actually machined an adapter with longer threads to screw further in. The threads are long enough to catch good ones down in the cover and the sender screws into the adapter.


I asked him to send me one and sure enough he did. It's a nice looking piece

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Yowzers, my large friend. One of your first errors is putting faith in some young-puppy, new age survey.


Not to say you haven't had your fair share of shit over the last half decade.... But much of the time, our problems don't eat at us until some well meaning dork tells us that our problems should be eating at us and if they aren't then there is a problem.


If I get drunk enough or morbid enough this weekend, I'll PM you a story that will make your toes curl and your teeth itch. Some folks here think I have a silver spoon stuck in my yap - I wish.


Life ain't fair... your apple has half a worm in it... your woman isn't going to be the angel you expect (not like any of us deserved an angel). One of these days you will wake up in the Ayem and realize that you have more hair on your back than on your head, gravity works, that twinge in your shoulder has settled in quite nicely and your doctor calls you to make an appointment.


But what you wont realize is that squandering the only fucking life you have (my apologies to anyone that believes in the afterlife) worrying about things that have happened and cannot be "unhappened" or worrying about things that you can never change is both a vexation and a waste of time.


You have a finite number of years on this dirtball. They can be spent or they can be wasted. Guess where dwelling on yesterday rates....


If something pisses you off - it is OK to be pissed off... but it isn't OK to let it consume you.


Yep.... I'll write you a story . I was born a ginger and it gets bad from there. But first, I'm gonna kick you in the groin for wasting the only life you have dwelling on things already done.

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