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Claim Kicked Back for Part Build Date

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While I was on vacation in July the back up diesel tech replaced a DEF pump on a truck and Ford called the part back. Now three months later they kick back he claim because the part was built in October of 2011 and the truck was built in January of 2012. They say there is no way that part came off of that truck. A three month old part put on a truck on the assembly line doesn't sound out of reason. I could see it if the part was newer than the trucks build date. Since this tech only works on diesels when I'm gone and this was the only pump he has done there is no way there was a part mix up on his end since there is no way he had any other pumps laying around that might have been returned instead and I don't have pumps laying around either because they are all warranty. 


I'm getting very sick and tired of Ford's shit. I keep getting raises over the years but my pay hasn't gone up because of declining warranty times. When the diesels finally get out of warranty the customer cries because of the high cost of fixing them so we give them an AWA and I still have to do it under warranty time. It's about time to get out of the business after 32 years.

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That's absolutely stupid. My buddy just picked up a 78 fairmont. Build date on the car is 4/78. The shocks on the rear were date stamped 11/77.


They never heard of old stock? Especially in your case. It's not like the thing is like a whole model year old either.


Anyone ever see that movie "The Rainmaker"? Our policy is to deny all claims? This is a lot like that.

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