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2008 NMT

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Jim Warman

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I better check into that... nothing heard on my end so far (but then Tuesday is another day).


Merry Xmas, Keith.... My boy is all grown up and I miss watching kids on Christmas morning....

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Merry Xmas, Keith.... My boy is all grown up and I miss watching kids on Christmas morning....

Yes and Merry Xmas to everyone who is reading this! I have two little girls, 5 and 1. The 5-year old is going to pop any minute and the little one is too oblivious to know what's going on, but none the less, she is always happy and smiling. Ahhh, to be young again! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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I just did the course two days ago, and I had a hard time navigating through the course. On almost every new section, I had to refresh the page a couple of times before the audio would load up. When I got to the Cab-Off service procedure, the complete section wouldn't load up after SEVERAL attempts. Anybody else have this problem?

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I think all of us have had that problem, Mike... I hope the truck is better than the NMT course....


All the same, lifting the cab on the older ones wasn't hard too figure out.... so I don't see missing that section as being a great big problem. After the first two or three, most guys should have the best shortcuts figured out....


I just wish that they'd post the classroom schedules so I can plan my January....

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Two questions for you:

  • What web browser are you using? MSIE-7 has some glitches and FMC Dealer is not compatible with it and there are known issues. I have not read that this includes training courses but since they run in your web browser it makes sense.



  • Are you connecting to the Internet in a highly populated area? I have noticed over the last few weeks that Internet is very slow and inconsistent at times. With the Christmas holiday a lot of people are logged on, shopping, downloading music, playing games and using up bandwidth. This could also cause problems. My PC has narrowly escaped destruction several times this month because of this!
I didn't notice any malfunctions while taking the course and I just checked again thinking that I missed something. Nope. There is only one screen showing the cab off on a lift and the narration plays properly. The next two screens are about the cylinder heads and injection system so I don't understand what you guys think is wrong or missing?
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