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6.4L Guinea Pigs

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This reminds me of a big truck issue I faced about 6 months ago...

A 2000 Sterling with a comp-evap line problem. The original came out of the comp. went across the front of the engine and back to the evap. on the pass. side.

Sterling's answer of which nobody told us.

New part # not even close to the original part.

The new part comes out of the comp. goes up the left side of the engine and across on the way back to the evap. New part, new location new routing and no new info....

Called a couple of times to Sterling/Freightliner...
No info had to figure this one out!!! :banghead:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back onto the topic....


There are already a few programmers out there for the 6.4....Hypertech, bullydog, etc.....but the most noticable is the KEM programmer that allows you to strait pipe the truck and with that eliminates the regen process. Of course that wont work with the DPF on, but without it the people who have done if have gone from 12-14MPG to 18-22MPG.....

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I work for a independant and do have to sell, even though I don't care to sell some of these products. But I think Ford would be really interested to see what some of these people are doing to their vehicles that have had many years of engineering testing done to them. Flashback my coming across the F-series all camo'd up and posting the pictures here around my house. If some of these products were so good don't you think that Ford would have them integrated into the vehicles already?

I'm sorry I still believe in the product the way Ford meant it to be. If these manufacturers want to sell these things they need to sell them to Ford to be a factory product or a accessory approved by Ford. And have a Ford warranty, other than that these owners are on their own when it comes to warranty.

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