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Everything posted by batmantech

  1. My two cents Check hot oil pressure first! CYA Pro Demand shows for just the chain. TIMING CHAIN - Remove & Replace [Includes: R&I Camshaft Sprocket and adjust ignition timing (where applicable).] F150,V8,5.4L Eng Left or Both 11.3 hours
  2. Welcome back Brad! We eagerly await your contributions here.
  3. That would be nice to try out. FYI I quit even attempting to remove the def tank hoses at the tank. They are usually full of mud, gravel. I unbolt them at the fender and pull them down with the tank.
  4. My 2 cents is stick with a stock ficm. A modified FICM wont "fix" anything. Way back I ran across this article if you want some light reading check it out. https://www.ford-trucks.com/ford-manuals/FICM.pdf
  5. To answer the programing question: The easiest method is to have two know good keys. Cycle one to koeo then cycle the other on and remove then press the start button on the fob. All the diag is in dealer installed accessory page ,drop down menu under workshop manual. Select installation instructions one buttons are system 100 diag.
  6. The FICM 1/2 have been discontinued. (We still have one on hand) the parts numbers have changed. Can still get preprogrammed from ford. HC3Z-12B599-ARM earlier build dates. later get BRM.
  7. I believe you have a ford system 100. The troubleshooting is by horn chirps. After horn chirp. ignition comes on for 2 seconds, system does not crank, then horn chirps 3 times. This indicates a problem with the door ajar circuit. It is not a needed input. Simply not connecting it will allow the system to work. On the module system 100 its green /violet pin A-20. Most modules have a nice picture diagram on back. Just cut that wire or make sure it is connect to a door ajar circuit and is operating correctly.(door closed)
  8. I have called snap on when we did not have a dealer. The process was very easy. Give them a part number and they send it right out no cost and did not have to return broken stuff. They did ask if we had a dealer. I have some mixed feelings on our current dealer. My favorite quote from him recently is "are you ever going to f#$%en buy something?" and yes he was serious.
  9. Have had similar. Check the Bat_st chg pid. Most likely will be low 20% or so. SSM 44750 may apply Reprogram the BCM and reset the BMS. Batt. monitor system is most likely off.
  10. This issue is back or still here... 2014 super duty (check engine light PCM reprogram) with a vin miss-match reprogrammed bcm then power windows would not work. Hotline states you must now replace bcm reprogramming it does not work I tried it. (FYI you need to have two original factory keys to complete the program process. Two operating keys that are not the original kind will not work.)
  11. Yeah and the part price would drop too.
  12. They don't know. Do you think they are looking at punched clock times and comparing to others. Then searching the internet and seeing what people are doing. If punch times are to low they just assume that's how you did it?
  13. FYI The BT4Z-14450-BA is straight bolt on 7T4Z-14450 is long angle down crimp 2C3Z-14450-ca is shorter turn crimp
  14. Yes, was doing it on Friday and still today.
  15. Hey Chad let us know what you find on that fusion with the dead batt. Very curious.
  16. I think this is what your looking for. www.teckpak-fitzall.com You can order it with or with out driver installer
  17. Wonder how often that happens all over the country?
  18. Ya , sure, you betcha, Den I go eat a little sauerkraut and dumplings maybe some smearkucan. Gell? You darsent forget some beer and sheephead too. (crown wheel was a new one for me too)
  19. To nice to call a beast. My parents had one and loved it. I always liked how you sit up a little higher and can see out of it nice. The ride is nice too.
  20. We had 2 this late winter had bent valves chain guides broke, but they were no starts. I have one like yours here now. 1 bank misses relative compression is down on that side. Customer declined repair for now.
  21. I did have one recently where the roller in the follower was flat, did not turn, cam had very little wear. That thing sounded a lot like a phaser knock.
  22. Hey Tony that is really good info. It would be cool if you could post some pictures in the gas engine forum. Showing the cab off procedure would be great. Then we could use it for reference in the future.
  23. 1984 6.9 :cheers-jeers: hard start- oil leaks- coolant leak Customer states " had it to a another mechanic but it still leaks"
  24. 02 f-350 oil leaks everywhere oh and the powertrain is an 06 e-series. Kind of a cobbled together pile. 2005 E-450 big yellow school bus no crank -- a/c pulley tight, idler stuck.
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