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A vehicle with wheels like that deserves a "Nob" for the gear shifter and instead of a cactus for the antenna, another big ole' HMMM HHMmm. Oh yeah, and a bumper sticker that says something like: I'm a flamer and your not far enough up my ass yet. I can only imagine the attire in the interior. The Lumbar is probably a Bum Bar and the steering wheel is most likely apair of ass cheeks with a recessed hole for the horn button.


Jim, where in the hell do find this shit and what on this earth posesses you to go looking for it? Posted Image

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Jimbo, a photo like that belongs on our buddy's Rex's site, not a forum like this one. After all, isn't he the one that likes to post sophomoric pictures like this?


Shit like this is NOT what I would've expected you to post.

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