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Larger fuel tank in 2011 F-350?

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I have a customer who wants to have us install this fuel tank into his vehicle: Titan Fuel Tanks website part number 7020211. It is a midship fuel tank with a 50 gallon capacity. Uses the same fuel pickup and sending unit.


Anyone use a product like this? Will the miles to empty reading be correct? Does it affect the fuel economy calculation? Will the fuel gauge work right?



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I'd be more willing to bet that his fuel comsumption gauge will be out but DTE may actually be close. IIRC, DTE is calculated using average consumption and tank level. With the larger tank and the fact that the PCM is calibrated to the stock tank, consumption will actually read as lower than what it really is. This should calculate DTE as higher, which should coinside with the tank size.


The new tank is longer as well as deeper. I wonder if it will start setting overfull codes, as the actual level in the tank will be higher than the float can go. This may also throw off readings as the truck uses the fuel from a full tank and no fuel level drop is not detected.


Then again, the customer may not give a crap what the readings are as long as the lower portion of the tank reads correctly and he gets some extra miles per tank.

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