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AutoEnginuity Ford Bundle with GM enhanced


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Bought in March I believe? Ford bundle with GM enhanced expansion. All original info/packaging/codes included. This is the latest version with a security dongle. Requires two USB slots. I used a USB hub as my laptop only has 2 USB ports and I prefer to use a mouse.


Pictures coming...batteries died in camera.


$450.00 plus shipping

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I'm a little surprised you're selling this as I've been quite happy with mine. It's no IDS for sure, but still very good for the money. Any comments about why you're selling it?


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Not using it and could use the money. Bought it to service a fleet of pick-ups but couldn't get paid...I surrender.

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All of the advanced features- balance graph, compression test, full PID list, special tests, flashing, current model year ability for starters. AE is an aftermarket scan tool and very good bang-for-the-buck if you ask me. I have it, updates are cheap ($50/continent/year)and it has good coverage. There will NEVER be an aftermarket scan tool that competes with ANY OEM scan tool, if you ask me. When you compare what AE does vs what it costs, and what a Modis does vs what it costs, it makes SO look like thieves and AE look like a company you'd want to deal with. AE is a good, general, run of the mill scan tool that has good coverage on nearly all makes and models for a fair price. Snappy fucking ROBS you for similar coverage, and ROBS you for the updates. You can buy an AE for the cost of one year's SO updates! I use AE in class frequently if I'm doing a gas class or working on something I don't have the OE tool for.


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(My secretary is shipping the modules tomorrow.)

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I have been looking at AE for our other makes in the fleet. I have a IDS for our fords however it does me no good for the GMs and dodges of the fleet

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I have been looking at AE for our other makes in the fleet. I have a IDS for our fords however it does me no good for the GMs and dodges of the fleet

Ford bundle was $399.95. After I recieved it found you can't get "In" to the Ford software to play with it unless it was connected to a Ford. Since I drive a 99 S-10 I added the GM enhanced for another 229.95.


So I have $629.95 in it. The Dodge enhanced expansion is another $229.95.


So 450 + 230 = $680.00 vs Domestic bundle @ $799.99. So save $100.00?

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