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CAT 6NZ intermitent miss

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I have a 6NZ in a kenworth that will miss intermittently.Its not logging any faults.Ran injector test and passes.Pulled valve cover and checked overhead, no issues.Had a fuel pressure gauge and road test.Fuel pressure was good.Any thoughts?

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How many miles on this truck? Air in the fuel and low fuel pressure will cause trouble like this. Spec now is 80 to 90 psi. I have seen before where air has gotten in the fuel from a failing injector seal caused by improperly torqued bolts. I put a sight glass in the return line n snap the throttle or chain it to the dyno to find this.fuel filter bases crack from time to time, n davco filters are always a pain in the ass.How did the harness under the covers look? I have found before where the harness has rubbed on a rocker or the valve cover base n caused n intermittent short. Also oil in the injector pass thru connector can cause grief. Faults don't always log if the fault is only there a short time. How old are the injectors?

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