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2013 f250 blowing TCM fuse

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Hi everyone.

I have a 2013 f250 blowing TCM fuse 46 after it sets overnight. after setting overnight and try to start it blows fuse number 46. Can put in neutral and start replace fuse and all is good can even restart in park without blowing fuse. Sets overnight and blows fuse when trying to start next morning.  Have codes p0706, p0707 and p1921.


Another tech replaced TCM thinking it was shorting out when cold. did not help.

Have unplugged transmission wiring harness and does not blow fuse.

Replaced transmission range sensor. Veh worked normally no codes or blown fuses until next morning then same issue.


Anyone have this issue?

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replaced internal trans harness yesterday  and truck started in park and did not blow tcm fuse this morning. drove and restarted several times. after about the 5th time it blew fuse again still not fixed

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