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Liberals vs Conservatives

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Jim Warman

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For those that don't know much about history ... Here is a condensed version:



Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers they lived on deer in the mountains during the summer and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in the winter.



The two most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups:



1. Liberals, and


2. Conservatives.



Once beer was discovered, it required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That's to show how villages were formed.



Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals for the B-B-Q at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the Conservative movement.



Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting learned to live off the conservatives by showing up for the nightly B-B-Q's and doing the sewing, fetching, and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the Liberal movement.



Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women. The rest became known as girlie-men. Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, and the concept of Democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that conservatives provided.



Over the years conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass.



Modern liberals like imported beer (with lime added), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare. Another interesting evolutionary side note: most of their women have higher testosterone levels than their men. Most social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists, dreamers in Hollywood and group therapists are liberals. Liberals invented the designated hitter rule because it wasn't fair to make the pitcher also bat.



Conservatives drink domestic beer, mostly Bud. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. Conservatives are big-game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, engineers, police officers, corporate executives, athletes, members of the military, airline pilots and generally anyone who works productively. Conservatives who own companies hire other conservatives who want to work for a living.



Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern the producers and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when conservatives were coming to America. They crept in after the Wild West was tamed and created a business of trying to get more for nothing.

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If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn't buy one.

If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.


If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.

If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.


If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.

A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.


If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.


If a black man or Hispanic are conservative, they see themselves as independently successful.

Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.


If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.


If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.

Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.


If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.

A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)


If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.


A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.



If a conservative slips and falls in a store, he gets up, laughs and is embarrassed.


If a liberal slips and falls, he grabs his neck, moans like he's in labor and then sues.

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there is a HUGE difference between progressive democrats, conservative dems, conservative republicans, and republicans.


Liberals and TRUE repulicans oppose corporations and the trickle down theory (give to the rich eventually they will trickle it down to the people)


CONServatives are ruining this country, whether its a repulican, or democrat. Repulicans are against big government, but they are for regulating banks, corporations, insurance, jobs, trade.


I'm an progressive democrat, and i support Ron Paul's views on how to fix the economy, but i think healthcare should be a right not a privelage.


You can thank CONServatives for de-regulating banks, insurance, and wall street, which in the pursue of profit did everything possible to cut costs and make their investors happy, like shipping jobs overseas. We are just NOW feeling the affects of Ronald Reagans de-regulating everything and letting the FED do whatever it wants.


Seriously....the gun thing....no one is going to take your stupid guns. I'm so sick of hearing that...do you know the reason you're allowed to have a gun...because the founding fathers didn't want to have a standing army like we have..and to have citizens be the "army" and call upon them in need to fight for their country.


I'm going to say this and catch ALOT of flack. CONServatives go AGAINST everything our country was founded on. They are hiding behind the repulican party ruining it. Ron Paul and Lindsay Graham even said they want the conservatives out of their party because it's poisoning their message.


CONServatives appose abortion...yet they don't give a crap after the kid's born. CONServatives don't realize there is suppost to be a seperation of church and state like our founding fathers wanted...yet they hide behind catholocism.


Again, i just want whats right for this country and for my future kids. True repulicans and Progressive democrats are the only ones that want whats right for the american people....an country is only as strong as it's middle class which has been gouged by CONServatives for YEARS.


CONServatives think global warming is a joke. They cry socialism is not the way, but we have socialism all around us...fire, ambulance, police and our ARMED FORCES are the biggest representation of a socialist system, but people are too stupid to realize it.


I really wish we didn't have this topic because everyones views are soo different i hope it wont poise the balance we have on this site. Politics creates enemies.

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No politics here. By the way Tony, how's the Koolaid? Posted ImagePosted Image


I really want to avoid a big political discussion as politics can be very polarizing - this is a diesel forum not... well, you know. I'm not going to waste my time debating the petty bullshit already mentioned here. I don't see this as a joke - not at all.


I would like to recommend to you Tony that you pick up a copy of Mark Levin's book "Liberty And Tyranny" which is an amazing lesson on true conservatism, this country's founding fathers and our constitution. Our CONSTITUTION which is the envy of the free World which has stood strong for over 230 years. The very Constitution that grants you the right to freedom and the very constitution that our current president, Harry Reed, Nancy Pelosi and a list of other dangerous people would love to eradicate in the sake of power for the "Democrat" party. Do you have any idea how many of your liberties are in jeopardy at this very moment? This is change the foundation of America cannot afford.


Don't confuse conservatism with the Republican party as the two are no more alike than Liberalism and the Democrat party are. Where we are headed is closer to Marxism if the people currently in charge of our government have their way. Are you telling me that capitalism and the free market system that has made our society the greatest ever should be abolished and replaced by the beliefs and systems that have historically failed time and time again? You live in a country that allows you to be as successful as you are willing to work for. The country that had made many of the greatest advances in science, technology and medicine. Take away our incentive and shit, maybe we can be as great as fucking France some day!





Say! How about that new Ford in-house diesel engine?

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The CONservatives as you call them don't hide behind Catholicism particularly. They are Christ-IANS. The emphasis has to be on the last part. They deliberately align themselves with a fraction of those who believe in that way, but are way out there.


They don't only oppose abortion.. They oppose an individuals right to act as they wish.. They want to legislate your morality.


They hide behind that "belief" and are as fervent in denying others their own rights as defined in the Constitution because you don't believe in what they do, which is in their twisted minds is the belief this country was founded on their beliefs and is what our "official" religion is. I work with 2 of them. And let me tell you, they have no problem quoting the Bible and telling you how wrong everyone else is. And how truly wrong THEY are about other religions. Ugh.


Our country is a secular republic, not sponsoring ANY type of belief. We are free to believe or not. All are equal, but NOT.


Now, the current crop of DemoCRAPS, want you to work, not for you, but what they can take to give to everyone else who chooses not to better themselves. How is that right? They want to watch everything you do, but want to regulate your life to a point that you can only do certain things.


Then don't forget, now we are REQUIRED to volunteer, don't forget 9-11 is now a "national day of service" where you are supposed to volunteer. Just wait, they'll find a way to make you give time to others who could care less to work for them selves. They'll soon enforce it with their new version of the Hitler Youth.


It's time to vote all of them out for something different, whether that's independent, Libertarian, whatever.

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Then don't forget, now we are REQUIRED to volunteer, don't forget 9-11 is now a "national day of service" where you are supposed to volunteer. Just wait, they'll find a way to make you give time to others who could care less to work for them selves. They'll soon enforce it with their new version of the Hitler Youth.


It's time to vote all of them out for something different, whether that's independent, Libertarian, whatever.

If you want Libetarian then count me out, they want to privatize everything and look how thats working. I don't want Glenn Beck/hannity/limbaugh style politicians running this country. Umm, enforcing something with hilter youth? Posted ImagePosted Image

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What is with all this hitler, nazi, germany talk. I like how we get a "different" president in office, who is trying to do some good for once, but of course all the conservatives are in a outrage that things are changing....the country is evolving. Let's see what 20 years of ragean-omics conservativism has done....hmmm...state colleges aren't paid for by the gorvernment anymore, the middle class ( ME AND YOU ) has gotten rediculously small, Wall street does what they want, banks do what they want. We're privatizing everything that shouldn't be. You want a nazi-like take over...let the private sector take over every aspect of life without ANY government regulation....the banks have started to...healthcare has been doing it forever, the sherman anti-trust act means shit. So now we have companies that are "too big to fail" totally against what the founding fathers built this country on.


You want nazi's waiting to flood the streets...look at the people that listen to glenn beck, hannity, limbaugh...those are the true terrorists against this country. Spewing racist comments and hateful views enraging unintelligent people into thinking government is the problem....no....the problem is places like Walmart who pay their workers low enough to were they have to go on subsidized public housing, medicade paid for by you and me. Walmart is the root of all evil and shows how horrible a unregulated free trade works.


Let's look at when FDR went against his conservative views....that was the strongest our economy ever was thanks to the empowering of the middle class and putting the rich people in check, and re-regulating everything.


Lets look at Dick (SATAN) Cheney's companies who suck the taxpayers dry through crazy government contracts. We have more mercinaries getting paid 100K a year supplied by his private corps then the soldiers getting paid 18k a year. His company makes woman sign a document stating they wont sue if they get paid. What kind of fucking world do we live in were to be employed you can't sue a company for being raped. Al Frankin passed a amendment against that and 30 conservative republicans voted against it....now thats bullshit.


No one should be pissed at Obama, you should be pissed at corporations and lobbyists running this country...not us. I'm all for whats right...if that makes me liberal, independent, republican....who cares...when it comes to peoples well being you shouldn't side with a party.


P.S. I hope you know when i mean private sector....the ones ruining this country, not small business.

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I think that both of the parties we have now are so in the pockets of whichever special interest(s), company(ies) or group(s), that is all they care about. However they can get their palms greased, that's what they do. This is what I truly believe is running the country.


Take a look at NJ's gov, a major stock holder in Goldman Sachs, their former CEO. He wrapped so much of NJ's money in it and his own, it's in his interest to make sure they got some "helper" money from DC.


Look at when W was in, oil was king, as the both of them had huge interests in oil and defense/offense.


Now that he's in, it's "green" stuff be-all and end-all.


They want us all in little golf cart electric things, but the gov't is still the single largest purchaser of huge gas eating SUVs and trucks.


But when you look deeper, they are all damn hypocrites, they are "do as I say, not as I do". A certain x-vp in Tennessee is a prime example. I betcha his private jets spews more CO2 than my Lightning can in 20 years in just a couple of flights.


You should visit our toilet bowl of a state, and see just how it's done. From the lowest clerk in municipal gov't all the way up to the gov, everyone gets their "consideration". Or gives it to get something in return.


Don't forget, anything that makes real sense is either ignored or twisted by them that it's unrecognizable by the time they are done. And of course, it costs us 1000x more in the end.


BTW...I'm not so against "change" of which we've had none, as he's done nothing that anyone can really see. So far, nothing he said in his campaign has come to light. And without the puppet strings being pulled, he can't even speak for himself.

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I was just glad to see that our friends to the north have the same great split we do down here. Lol. Looks to me as an outsider that the western part of Canada like BC is close to our politics here is WA State. Kind of live and let live, with an eye to the environment...well sort of in BC. As you travel to the east it looks to get more conservative (looking to reach a pinnacle in a little place called Slave Lake). The Bloc seems outlandish from my point of view and from every other Canadian I have spoken with. I have yet to talk with anyone from NL, NB, of those areas so I have even less of an idea what they think out there. Thanks Jim you have expanded by world view of Canadians.

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Wow... a little humourous overview has taken wing... Something I didn't quite expect - at least not quite like a bar fight....


Come north, young fellows...


We have the Liberals.... most all of them are of the bleeding heart variety...


We have the Conservatives... you should reap the benefits of your labours. Unfortunately, the Liberals want to give the benefts of your labours to those that refuse to earn their own...


But it doesn't stop there... Come election time we aren't putzing around with "primaries" and however else you folks choose to self-inflict your pain...


Our federal election ballot is going to include the "Bloc" that Jay alludes to. The Bloc Quebecois is a special interest group. Their mandate is a free and equal Quebec (be sure to pronounce it Kehbek lest we offend someone the Liberals will choose to defend... in spite of their motives) SEPARATE from Canada yet enjoying all of the benefits that Canada (particularly western Canada) has to offer. Check this out.


Our federal election ballot may include the communist party, the "green" party or even the "rhinocerous" party (yes... although tongue in cheek, many rhino party members routinely manage to fulfill all of the requirements set forth by electoral Canada rules).


Without Liberals, there would be none of these vote spoilers....


Look at it this way.... The Liberals want to take all my money and give some of it to strangers... the rest they will keep. The Conservatives want to take all my money and give some of it back to me... the rest they will keep...


How can you tell when a politician is lying? ANY politician? His lips are moving. They are in politics because it pays better than used car sales...


Lighten up guys... the system is flawed because society is flawed...

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Fredsvt, i knew we could come to some agreement. I listen to a lot of progressive radio like Ed Shultz, Thom Hartmann, Stefanie Miller, Ron Reagan Jr. because they have hard facts backing up their claims. They constantly bust the conservatives whether they're dems or repulicans and show how they manipulate the truth to support their CEO owners.


My big thing is that we've had laws and amendments in place to prevent exactly whats happeneing. Sherman anti-trust act: means no monopolies like our banking, health insurance, and retail companies. We have amendments in the constitution preventing campaign contributions to elected leaders to encourage a vote.


We need to get this country back and the only way we will do it is elect officials like Ron Paul, Mike Schummer, Bernie Sanders, Al Frankin...who don't have a disconnect with the country and also dont take campaign contributions from corporations.


As im writing this on the news a 3 year old girl was denied healthcare coverage because she was too thin.


Someone told me this and it does ring true..... "Domestic terrorism is in the form of HUGE multi-national corporations and banks. The banks said Give us money or we will explode. Capitalism is at it's cancerous state and is consuming everything in site."


We need to get out of NAFTA and WTO and relook at our trade policies to save this country and bring the working class back.


Eastendpowerstroke you forgot one.


Liberals protest and find legislative ways to protect people and their beliefs, never use violence.

Conservatives blow up federal buildings, kill abortion doctors, walk into the holocoust museum and kill a federal worker.


Rant Over.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fredsvt, i knew we could come to some agreement. I listen to a lot of progressive radio like Ed Shultz, Thom Hartmann, Stefanie Miller, Ron Reagan Jr. because they have hard facts backing up their claims. They constantly bust the conservatives whether they're dems or repulicans and show how they manipulate the truth to support their CEO owners.


My big thing is that we've had laws and amendments in place to prevent exactly whats happeneing. Sherman anti-trust act: means no monopolies like our banking, health insurance, and retail companies. We have amendments in the constitution preventing campaign contributions to elected leaders to encourage a vote.


We need to get this country back and the only way we will do it is elect officials like Ron Paul, Mike Schummer, Bernie Sanders, Al Frankin...who don't have a disconnect with the country and also dont take campaign contributions from corporations.


As im writing this on the news a 3 year old girl was denied healthcare coverage because she was too thin.


Someone told me this and it does ring true..... "Domestic terrorism is in the form of HUGE multi-national corporations and banks. The banks said Give us money or we will explode. Capitalism is at it's cancerous state and is consuming everything in site."


We need to get out of NAFTA and WTO and relook at our trade policies to save this country and bring the working class back.


Eastendpowerstroke you forgot one.


Liberals protest and find legislative ways to protect people and their beliefs, never use violence.

Conservatives blow up federal buildings, kill abortion doctors, walk into the holocoust museum and kill a federal worker.


Rant Over.

Posted Image


The sad truth is that the Constitution, I fear, will become nothing more than a napkin to wipe up the mess left by all this crap we're dealing with right now.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Any of you guys ever listen to Michael Savage??

Anyway just before i got home to read these posts i stoped at the local grocery store to pick up a few items-with the MONEY I EARN-scars to prove it. I see a grocery ile with nobody on line

exept for a bunch of groceries on the conveyor. So i proceed to the cahier on that line and she started to ring up my FEW items.

Just as i wip out my wallet to pick out the cash theres a woman

in back of me with her foodstamp benefit card out in the cashier's face. I then joke to the cashier-Is she going to pay for my groceries? The cashier laughed-the woman with the foodstamp card responded in an angry russian accent-No, i want to PAY for mine. I then responded to the angry impatient lady-You stepped off of the line. She then stormed out of the store faster than a jumpingjack-before i got a chance to respond back to her-I was gonna say:Lady, if you can wait two seconds I'll pay for yours.

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Well that's a shame. Micheal Savage, (real name is Micheal Weiner) is CONSTANTLY getting bashed for lying and bending the truth to prove his lie hes feeding.


There is a reason that Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly get paid hundreds of millions of dollars. They need that money to spew out the bullshit they say. There are sites dedicated to showing how much those guys lie. Go to MEDIAMATTERS.COM a totally unbiased website dedicated to calling out the liars. It's all god damn CONServatives because they lie so much.


Again, if you ever want to hear someone on the radio or TV that really cares about the AMERICAN WORKER and his country...listen to Ed Shultz and Thom Hartmann. Both Progressives who don't get paid to get their POV out on this country and how it should go.


It's not even about Republicans vs Democrats anymore...it's about Corporations vs. the Middle Class. Looks how we've been screwed. Until we get Campaign Donation Reform, NOTHING will be done for the good of the people.


It's a simple fact that Conservatives ONLY care about corporations, and progressives only care about the people.

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Who in our current crop of morons in DC do you consider a conservative, and who do you consider a "progressive".


Just curious.



Um who's a conservative in DC? Anyone who's fighting for corporations. The people fighting against you and me. The people bashing Universal healthcare or the tard public option.


The ONLY persons i can think of off hand that ONLY care about their America is INDEPENDENT Bernie Sanders and Republican Ron Paul.


Why has Liberal or Progressive turned into a curse word. Do you not understand that Republicans and Conservative Democrats are bought by Corporations.


Why have we turned into a country of ME and not into a country of WE. Why have we turned into a country of "i busted my ass why cant you do what i did. It's simple, not EVERYONE has the access to success as you do."


I absolutely respect ANY political party that is for the middle class. Seriously...and ive done sooooooooo much research into the differences of Europe and US. Europe and Japan cater to their Labor capitol. That's all we are. As a business owner i make my workers happy because i know a happy worker is a productive worker. If one guy wants something in his truck to make him productive...then he gets it. If another worker has different needs..then he gets it. Because ultimately...a corporation is as productive as it's workers.


This isn't a simple solution. It's a much bigger part. You can't solve it overnight.

This country is sooooo hard headed. A certain part of our taxes are set to help people that are less fortunate....do some people take advantage of it....of course....

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Progressives only care about the contributors to the next reelection campaign. Conservatives only care about their contributors. We all follow our own self interests, politicians included.

Jayson...i disagree. I've tracked the policy of progressives...they are all about what is good for the people..whether it's liberals or progressives.

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Originally Posted By: Fredsvt




Who in our current crop of morons in DC do you consider a conservative, and who do you consider a "progressive".


Just curious.


Um who's a conservative in DC? Anyone who's fighting for corporations. The people fighting against you and me. The people bashing Universal healthcare or the tard public option. universal health care by our government is a joke, sorry, but the way they are doing is going to put money in someone's pockets and it's not ours. If you think you're going to be better off, you're not. Spending 1 trillion more dollars we don't have is no way to ensure coverage for all. If conservatives work for corporations, maybe they need to run this country like a FOR PROFIT corporation, right now, they'd have been put to pasture years ago. Oh yeah, and they can't use GM's accounting methods. Watch the skit I posted on the "saturday night live" thread. China will call in their money. They have financed nearly all 12 trillion of DC's debt just incurred in the last 11 months! It's funny but sad at the same time. Note: I said DC's debt, as I had no say whatsoever on spending so much money.


The ONLY persons i can think of off hand that ONLY care about their America is INDEPENDENT Bernie Sanders and Republican Ron Paul. I agree


Why has Liberal or Progressive turned into a curse word. Do you not understand that Republicans and Conservative Democrats are bought by Corporations.nearly all Democrats pander to unions, something we no longer need. I don't see the repubs so much into corporations, unless it has to do with defense spending. And they are getting way too involved with the religious right, haven't they realized that the US is a SECULAR government? Democrats pay back all their buddies and constantly campaign even when in office. Look at what was going on with the Olympics, and the terrorists going to an empty prison in Illinois, they stand to get 11 billion a year in federal funds for a couple of hundred ENEMY COMBATANTS who should have been shot a long time ago


Why have we turned into a country of ME and not into a country of WE. Why have we turned into a country of "i busted my ass why cant you do what i did. It's simple, not EVERYONE has the access to success as you do." I sort of agree there, a lot has to do with timing and access to money to succeed. However, if you don't at least get out and work, and do your part, (paying taxes) instead of just sitting on your ass (and perfectly able otherwise) waiting for someone to hand you something, I have no use for you. We had a moment of "WE" right after 9-11, and the "ME" has gotten worse, but look at the kids coming up now, gimME, gimME, no work ethic whatsoever.


I absolutely respect ANY political party that is for the middle class. Seriously...and ive done sooooooooo much research into the differences of Europe and US. Europe and Japan cater to their Labor capitol. That's all we are. As a business owner i make my workers happy because i know a happy worker is a productive worker. If one guy wants something in his truck to make him productive...then he gets it. If another worker has different needs..then he gets it. Because ultimately...a corporation is as productive as it's workers.

I'm waiting to see if our upcoming Governor here in toilet-land will do as he says, he's already disappointed me by pandering to the police unions


This isn't a simple solution. It's a much bigger part. You can't solve it overnight.

This country is sooooo hard headed. A certain part of our taxes are set to help people that are less fortunate....do some people take advantage of it....of course....

Now, how about we get someone who carries the original conservatism mixed with true liberalism. A person who wants government smaller, spend within your means, keep them OUT of your life, you work for yourself and not for others who don't wish to work. They make laws that make sense, but allows everyone to do as they wish within those laws. I don't want my life micro-managed, or my morality legislated. This country is based on equality for all, and equal opportunity for all. It's such a shame that it's fallen so far away from that.

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Now, how about we get someone who carries the original conservatism mixed with true liberalism. A person who wants government smaller, spend within your means, keep them OUT of your life, you work for yourself and not for others who don't wish to work. They make laws that make sense, but allows everyone to do as they wish within those laws. I don't want my life micro-managed, or my morality legislated. This country is based on equality for all, and equal opportunity for all. It's such a shame that it's fallen so far away from that.


AMEN brother! Posted Image

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