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Alex Bruene

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Everything posted by Alex Bruene

  1. I've seen quite a few broken 6.0 and 6.4 flexplates. Most have been under warranty. I've never done anything more than replace the flexplate, and never had one break again (to my knowledge), but most of these things come to us regularly still.
  2. Must be nice that you haven't needed it. The snow on my lawn and boulevard is piled up 6 feet. I am running out of space to put snow, and it's only the beginning of winter... and, we're under a snowfall warning again today too.
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning. The machine shop we use for intake manifold cleaning does it. They come back looking just like the one in the picture, each and every time.
  4. I send them to a rad shop to be cleaned.
  5. I've spent the last 5 hours starting shit in the parking lot. Have yet to turn a wrench.
  6. Ahhhh... So, it's a bit more serious than they would take it up here... When we call a state of emergency, it just means the army comes and shovels the Mayor's driveway.
  7. I would go to work... But then again, I'm nuts.
  8. Mark that up to another person that has relied on web forums, such as the Monkey House, to convince him that 6.0s are such junk and the best fix is to put in a 7.3 or a Cummins.
  9. Beer around here doesn't last long enough to freeze.
  10. Been there. What a See You Next Tuesday that was to figure out!
  11. Luckily, I have an 8KW back-up generator wired in to the house, so the power outage would not have effected me for too long... Other than the fact that my wife wouldn't have been using the stove or dryer. We would have still had heat, lights, TV, internet... All the important stuff.
  12. Holy Crap, the ice storm was terrible at my house! I had so much ice on my satellite dish, that I couldn't get any high definition television for 3 days! I was forced to watch standard definition. Levity aside, I live about an hour north of the big city. We really only got about a centimeter of ice, and about 20 centimeters of snow, and then another centimeter of ice on top. I threw some salt on the top layer and pulverized it with my snowblower. There was substantial ice damage at work, power was out to the north, south, east and west of us, but for some unfortunate reason, we were spared the power outage, so I had to work. On my drive in on Monday morning, power was out everywhere. It's quite eerie to see giant blocks of apartment buildings in the dark. Kind of reminded me of some of the scenes you see when you watch footage of Chernobyl visits. Creepy.
  13. I use a straight connector. It works as long as I move the u-joint in to the perfect position.
  14. Oh, and if I recall correctly... The one with the issue under the sill plate didn't communicate with the RCM... The one with the connector issue did.
  15. I've had a few 6.7s with communication issues... I've seen the one Mike is talking about under the driver's sill plate. Most recently, I had a bucket truck that was towed in to me a few times, but every time it was towed in, it would start. I finally went to the fleet location when that truck wasn't starting. The PCM, TCM, NOx and GPCM modules were offline. I wiggled a bunch of shit, and it finally started when I wiggled the connector under the degas bottle... Can't remember the number. I got the truck to the shop, disconnected, cleaned and made sure the pin fit was okay, and opened up the harness to make sure nothing else was going on. The next day, it didn't start again. I eventually overlayed the network circuits around that connector and it has been fine since. I hope.
  16. I am doing one right now, and it's seized. I was able to put 2 bolts in the crankshaft after removing the pulley and use a pry bar to turn it backwards to get the convertor nuts.
  17. Because they're reading it off their tuner...
  18. I'm doing one right now, too... 18.3 hours baby!
  19. Does it matter how many lights they added to the circuit as long as they left the fuse at the correct amperage? Those don't have any common issue that allow water to penetrate the fuse panel, do they?
  20. We'll welcome you with open arms as long as that avatar stays where it's at. I'm actually trying to find a plastic surgeon with low enough self respect to fix me up to look like that asshole for real! The avatar will not change... NEVER!
  21. I thought the revised procedure came into effect on July 1st of this year... We have been doing it since then. Rotor thickness, drum diameter, wheel torque, tire pressures, tread depth all has to be recorded. ABS lights must function and show no fault on anything built after July 1st, 2011 - that will be changing to ALL vehicles in the new year. No aftermarket window tint on anything built after July 1st, 2011 - changing to ALL vehicles in the new year...
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