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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Check out the big brain on Brad! The metric system. You a smart motha fucka.
  2. Funny story. Yeah. But I don't work there anymore since there was some trouble getting my check cashed.
  3. Fish the broken torx bit out? Nope! THATS NOT MY JOB!! This would be assembly room convo, I bet. Lol
  4. It failed state inspection because the blinkers flash too fast?
  5. Retry with IDS for codes, seat cushion zeroing, etc. My offshore cheapie interface for my laptop does fucky things to the CAN when I plug it in, different on every vehicle Your mileage may vary
  6. I watched a guy hang 4 count em 4 complete turbos on a 6.0 truck for a P0299. CAC tank had blown off. Lmfao.
  7. Dodge has a puppy program. Every time you buy a new dodge truck you get a puppy. That way you never have to walk home alone again.
  8. I use a tek screw, heat it up glowing and ram it into the sensor. Go have a smoke and let it cool then pop it out with a heel bar. failing that I have a die grinder similar to those used in dentistry. Get the tiniest bit on it and let it eat. Makes quick work of that. Works good on broken bolts you just can't weld to as well (rearmost one on the left side of an ls in a GM pickup)
  9. First one went ~100k miles. This last one made it ~40k miles I think.
  10. My truck is on its 3rd. It's not a ford one this time. See how this one holds up. (Life time warranty thoigh so I will just be out my time to change it next time)
  11. I did one today. On the bench and everything. Fucking thing won't start now. Makes ~250psi. Pulled it again. Ball and edge filter are in place. Fucking Monday's....
  12. Flipping the air cleaner on a q jet sounds bad ass when you get into the secondaries. Lol.
  13. Air leak in the oil filter housing indicates bad pump.
  14. A local alternator shop in windsor builds 6.0 starters that I'm pretty sure you could drive the truck with if you cranked it in gear.
  15. Bill Hewitt has a blurb all about this on his page. With your cooling system pressure behing so high I would lean towards head gaskets.
  16. Probably because they broke it off when they were doing the R & R on the fan shroud.
  17. Not a farm equip dealer but I went to the Indy world after getting laid off from factory work, after leaving the dealer. I make $6 more an hour at the Indy shop than I did at the dealer, hourly, lots of fringe benefits. So the dealer isn't always the highest paying show in town.
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