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Everything posted by kellyf

  1. I completely clean everything.Always replace t5he screen.When I removed the ipr the screen was kind of bent in.Have done many,but this is the first problem i've had.
  2. Has anyone else found after replacing egr,oil coolers that debis ends up in ipr?.I am very careful about cleaning and letting nothing go down in the sump.Had another tech tell me he heard something about this.
  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  4. I think i'll still be a panther fan.They at least have a winning season every other year.
  5. Thinking of moving.My daughther and granddaughther live there.
  6. Any one here live in the Jacksonville area?
  7. I have inherited a cab off job on a 2008 f-250 6.4.Problem is there is all kind of wiring and a relay for I guess was a snow plow attachment.The connectors are warn ,so I guess the plow was on the front.I have searched the internet for wiring to no avail.Can someone point me in the right direction?By the way the truck has the cab off to fix what looks like a retard worked on who replaced a turbo.Bolts missing or crossthreaded and turns out that the right side up pipe blown was the cause all along.Also missing gasket at oxidation cat.found it laying on the tranny!What a mess.Thanks guys.
  8. They may save on cost now,but just like always,it comes back to haunt them and us.
  9. Well anyway,thanks for the suggestions.Changed out # 3 because when doing injector interupt was only cylinder that showed bad.Well ,installed #3 and now #1 is in the shitter.How would you explain this to the customer?I'm assuming that since #1 is the companion cyl to 3 that it was disgused somehow?Sometimes this job is a pain.
  10. By the way,this is a box van with part of the box molded on top of the cab.Though about cab removal ,but not with this one.
  11. Is there anyway of replacing an injector on a 2005 e-350 van on the passanger side without removing the motor support?Are there any other tips you could give me for this job?Thanks
  12. Yes,they say flat rate employees are not full time,because we are not hourly employees.Just disgusted by the way they did this.It was nasty in my opinion.The oil change guys still get sick pay.Just a slap in the face!
  13. WE were just informed in pay check stub no more sick days for flat rate employees.This doesn't sound legal to me,and in my 22 years of hard work have never seen a company that did not pay sick day pay.What do you guys think of this bs?
  14. WELL.thought I had it fixed.during the egr test,will not show entire screen.Oh well same old shit.
  15. You guys know this thing built in Turkey?
  16. Thanks.TheWhen I drove the truck with fuel pressure gauge taped to window,fuel pressure went down to 48psi.also truck with not boost over 18 at wot.Does this seem normal.Thanks for replying,because I known this subject has been covered before.
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